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The Outsiders

Day Five

I did the best I could. He went ahead and washed it
anyway, using the bar of soap he'd bought. I was glad I
had had to run away with him instead of with Two-Bit
or Steve or Dally. That would be one thing they'd
never think of soap. I gave him Dally's jacket to wrap
up in, and he sat shivering in the sunlight on the back
steps, leaning against the door, combing his hair back.
It was the first time I could see that he had eyebrows.
He didn't look like Johnny. His forehead was whiter
where his bangs had been; it would have been funny if
we hadn't been so scared. He was still shivering with
cold. "I guess," he said weakly, "I guess we're dis-
  I leaned back next to him sullenly. "I guess so."
  "Oh, shoot," Johnny said with fake cheerfulness,
"it's just hair.
  "Shoot nothing," I snapped. "It took me a long time
to get that hair just the way I wanted it. And besides,
this just ain't us. It's like being in a Halloween
costume we can't get out of."
  "Well, we got to get used to it," Johnny said with
finality. "We're in big trouble and it's our looks or us."
  I started eating a candy bar. "I'm still tired," I said.
To my surprise, the ground blurred and I felt tears
running down my cheeks. I brushed them off hur-
riedly. Johnny looked as miserable as I felt.
  "I'm sorry I cut your hair off, Ponyboy."
  "Oh, it ain't that," I said between bites of chocolate.
"I mean, not all of it. I'm just a little spooky. I really
don't know what's the matter. I'm just mixed up."
  "I know," Johnny said through chattering teeth as
  we went inside. "Things have been happening so fast
  I put my arm across his shoulders to warm him
    "Two-Bit shoulda been in that little one-horse store.
  Man, we're in the middle of nowhere; the nearest
  house is two miles away. Things were layin' out wide
  open, just waitin' for somebody slick like Two-Bit to
  come and pick em up. He coulda walked out with half
  the store." He leaned back beside me, and I could feel
  him trembling. "Good ol' Two-Bit," he said in a
  quavering voice. He must have been as homesick as I
    "Remember how he was wisecrackin' last night?" I
  said. "Last night,  just last night we were walkin'
  Cherry and Marcia over to Two-Bit's. Just last night
  we were layin' in the lot, lookin' up at the stars and
    "Stop it!" Johnny gasped from between clenched
  teeth. "Shut up about last night! I killed a kid last
  night. He couldn't of been over seventeen or eighteen,
  and I killed him. How'd you like to live with that?"
  He was crying. I held him like Soda had held him the
  day we found him lying in the lot. 
    "I didn't mean to," he finally blurted out, "but they
  were drownin you, and I was so scared."  He was
  quiet for a minute. "There sure is a lot of blood in
    He got up suddenly and began pacing back and
  forth, slapping his pockets.
  "Whata we gonna do?" I was crying by then. It was
getting dark and I was cold and lonesome. I closed my
eyes and leaned my head back, but the tears came
  "This is my fault," Johnny said in a miserable voice.
He had stopped crying when I started. "For bringin' a
little thirteen-year old kid along. You ought to go
home. You can't get into any trouble. You didn't kill
  "No!" I screamed at him. "I'm fourteen! I've been
fourteen for a month! And I'm in it as much as you
are. I'll stop crying in a minute.  I can't help it."
  He slumped down beside me. "I didn't mean it like
that, Ponyboy. Don't cry, Pony, we'll be okay. Don't
cry."  I leaned against him and bawled until I went
to sleep.
  I woke up late that night. Johnny was resting against
the wall and I was asleep on his shoulder. "Johnny?" I
yawned. "You awake?" I was warm and sleepy.
  "Yeah," he said quietly.
  "We ain't gonna cry no more, are we?"
  "Nope. We're all cried out now. We're gettin' used
to the idea. We're gonna be okay now."
  "That's what I thought," I said drowsily. Then for
the first time since Dally and I had sat down behind
those girls at the Nightly Double, I relaxed. We could
take whatever was coming now.
  The next four or five days were the longest days I've
ever spent in my life. We killed time by reading
Gone with the Wind and playing poker. Johnny
sure did like that book, although he didn't know
anything about the Civil War and even less about
plantations, and I had to explain a lot of it to him. It
amazed me how Johnny could get more meaning out
of some of the stuff in there than I could. I was
supposed to be the deep one. Johnny had failed a year
in school and never made good grades, he couldn't
grasp anything that was shoved at him too fast, and I
guess his teachers thought he was just plain dumb. But
he wasn't. He was just a little slow to get things, and
he liked to explore things once he did get them. He
was especially stuck on the Southern gentlemen-im.
pressed with their manners and charm.
  "I bet they were cool ol' guys," he said, his eyes
glowing, after I had read the part about them riding
into sure death because they were gallant. "They
remind me of Dally."
  "Dally?" I said, startled. "Shoot, he ain't got any
more manners than I do. And you saw how he treated
those girls the other night. Soda's more like them
Southern boys."
  "Yeah,  in the manners bit, and the charm, too, I
guess," Johnny said slowly, "but one night I saw Dally
gettin' picked up by the fuzz, and he kept real cool and
calm the whole time. They was gettin' him for breakin'
out the windows in the school building, and it was
Two-Bit who did that. And Dally knew it. But he just
took the sentence without battin' an eye or even
denyin' it. That's gallant."
  That was the first time I realized the extent of
Johnny's hero worship for Dally Winston. Of all of us,
Dally was the one I liked least. He didn't have Soda's
understanding or dash, or Two-Bits humor, or even
Darry's superman qualities. But I realized that these
three appealed to me because they were like the heroes
in the novels I read. Dally was real. I liked my books
and clouds and sunsets. Dally was so real he scared me.
  Johnny and I never went to the front of the church.
You could see the front from the road, and sometimes
farm kids rode their horses by on their way to the
store. So we stayed in the very back, usually sitting on
the steps and looking across the valley. We could see
for miles; see the ribbon of highway and the small dots
that were houses and cars. We couldn't watch the
sunset, since the back faced east, but I loved to look at
the colors of the fields and the soft shadings of the
  One morning I woke up earlier than usual. Johnny
and I slept huddled together for warmth. Dally had
been right when he said it would get cold where we
were going. Being careful not to wake Johnny up, I
went to sit on the steps and smoke a cigarette. The
dawn was coming then. All the lower valley was
covered with mist, and sometimes little pieces of it
broke off and floated away in small clouds. The sky
was lighter in the east, and the horizon was a thin
golden line. The clouds changed from gray to pink,
and the mist was touched with gold. There was a silent
moment when everything held its breath, and then the
sun rose. It was beautiful.
  "Golly" Johnny's voice beside me made me jump
"that sure was pretty."
  "Yeah." I sighed, wishing I had some paint to do a
picture with while the sight was still fresh in my mind.
  "The mist was what was pretty," Johnny said. "All
gold and silver."
  "Uhmmmm," I said, trying to blow a smoke ring.
  "Too bad it couldn't stay like that all the time."
  "Nothing gold can stay." I was remembering a poem
I'd read once.
            "Nature's first green is gold,
            Her hardest hue to hold.
            Her early leaf's a flower;
            But only so an hour.
            Then leaf subsides to leaf.
            So Eden sank to grief,
            So dawn goes down to day.
            Nothing gold can stay."
  Johnny was staring at me. "Where'd you learn that?
That was what I meant."
  "Robert Frost wrote it. He meant more to it than
I'm gettin', though." I was trying to find the meaning
the poet had in mind, but it eluded me. "I always
remembered it because I never quite got what he
meant by it."
  "You know," Johnny said slowly, "I never noticed
colors and clouds and stuff until you kept reminding
me about them. It seems like they were never there
before." He thought for a minute. "Your family sure is
  "And what happens to be so funny about it?" I
asked stiffly.
  Johnny looked at me quickly. "I didn't mean noth-
ing. I meant, well, Soda kinda looks like your mother
did, but he acts just exactly like your father. And
Darry is the spittin' image of your father, but he ain't
wild and laughing all the time like he was. He acts like
your mother. And you don't act like either one."
  "I know," I said. "Well," I said, thinking this over,
"you ain't like any of the gang. I mean, I couldn't tell
Two-Bit or Steve or even Darry about the sunrise and
clouds and stuff. I couldn't even remember that poem
around them. I mean, they just don't dig. Just you and
Sodapop. And maybe Cherry Valance."
  Johnny shrugged. "Yeah," he said with a sigh. "I
guess we're different."
  "Shoot," I said, blowing a perfect smoke ring,
"maybe they are."
  By the fifth day I was so tired of baloney I nearly got
sick every time I looked at it. We had eaten all our
candy bars in the first two days. I was dying for a Pepsi.
I'm what you might call a Pepsi addict. I drink them
like a fiend, and going for five days without one was
about to kill me. Johnny promised to get some if we
ran out of supplies and had to get some more, but that
didn't help me right then. I was smoking a lot more
there than I usually did-I guess because it was some-
thing to do-although Johnny warned me that I
would get sick smoking so much. We were careful with
our cigarettes-if that old church ever caught fire
there'd be no stopping it.
  On the fifth day I had read up to Sherman's siege of
Atlanta in Gone with the Wind, owed Johnny a
hundred and fifty bucks from poker games, smoked
two packs of Camels, and as Johnny had predicted, got
sick. I hadn't eaten anything all day; and smoking on
an empty stomach doesn't make you feel real great. I
curled up in a corner to sleep off the smoke. I was just
about asleep when I heard, as if from a great distance,
a low long whistle that went off in a sudden high note.
I was too sleepy to pay any attention, although Johnny
didn't have any reason to be whistling like that. He
was sitting on the back steps trying to read Gone
with the Wind. I had almost decided that I had
dreamed the outside world and there was nothing real
but baloney sandwiches and the Civil War and the old
church and the mist in the valley. It seemed to me that
I had always lived in the church, or maybe lived
during the Civil War and had somehow got trans-
planted. That shows you what a wild imagination I
  A toe nudged me in the ribs. "Glory," said a rough
but familiar voice, "he looks different with his hair like
  I rolled over and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my
eyes and yawning. Suddenly I blinked.
  "Hey, Dally!"
  "Hey, Ponyboy!" He grinned down at me. "Or
should I say Sleeping Beauty?"
  I never thought I'd live to see the day when I would
be so glad to see Dally Winston, but right then he
meant one thing: contact with the outside world. And
it suddenly became real and vital.
  "How's Sodapop? Are the fuzz after us? Is Darry all
right? Do the boys know where we are? What.
  "Hold on, kid," Dally broke in. "I can't answer
everything at once. You two want to go get something
to eat first? I skipped breakfast and I'm about starved."
  "You're starved?" Johnny was so indignant he
nearly squeaked. I remembered the baloney.
  "Is it safe to go out?" I asked eagerly.
  "Yep." Dally searched his shirt pocket for a cigarette,
and finding none, said, "Gotta cancer stick, Johnny-
Johnny tossed him a whole package.
  "The fuzz won't be lookin' for you around here,"
Dally said, lighting up. "They think you've lit out for
Texas. I've got Buck's T bird parked down the road a
little way. Goshamighty, boys, ain't you been eatin'
  Johnny looked startled. "Yeah. Whatever gave you
the idea we ain't?"
  Dally shook his head. "You're both pale and you've
lost weight. After this, get out in the sun more. You
look like you've been through the mill."
  I started to say "Look who's talking" but decided it
would be safer not to. Dally needed a shave-a stubble
of colorless beard covered his jaw-and he looked like
he was the one who'd been sleeping in his clothes for a
week instead of us; I knew he hadn't seen a barber in
months. But it was safer not to get mouthy with Dally
  "Hey, Ponyboy" he fumbled with a piece of paper
in his back pocket "I gotta letter for you."
  "A letter? Who from?"
  "The President, of course, stupid. It's from Soda."
  "Sodapop?"  I said, bewildered "But how did he
  "He came over to Buck's a couple of days ago for
something and found that sweat shirt. I told him I
didn't know where you were, but he didn't believe me.
He gave me this letter and half his pay check to give
you. Kid, you ought to see Darry. He's takin' this
mighty hard.
  I wasn't listening. I leaned back against the side of
the church and read:
Pony boy,
  Well I guess you got into some trouble, huh? Darry
and me. nearly went nuts when you ran out like that.
Darry is awful sorry he hit you. You know he didn't
mean it. And then you and Johnny turned up missing
and what with that dead kid in the park and Dally
getting hauled into the station, well it scared us some-
thing awful. The police came by to question us and we
told them as much as we could. I can't believe little old
Johnny could kill somebody. I know Dally knows
where you are, but you know him. He keeps his trap
shut and won't tell me nothing. Darry hasn't got the
slightest notion where you're at and it is nearly killing
him. I wish you'd come back and turn yourselves in
but I guess you can't since Johnny might get hurt. You
sure are famous. You got a paragraph in the newspaper
even. Take care and say hi to Johnny for us.
                                  Sodapop Curtis
  He could improve his spelling, I thought after read-
ing it through three or four times. "How come you got
hauled in?" I asked Dally.
  "Shoot, kid,  he grinned wolfishly "them boys at
the station know me by now. I get hauled in for
everything that happens in our turf. While I was there
I kinda let it slip that y'all were headin' for Texas. So
that's where they're lookin'."
  He took a drag on his cigarette and cussed it
good-naturedly for not being a Kool. Johnny listened
in admiration. "You sure can cuss good, Dally."
  "Sure can," Dally agreed wholeheartedly, proud of
his vocabulary. "But don't you kids get to pickin' up
my bad habits."
  He gave me a hard rub on the head. "Kid, I swear it
don't look like you with your hair all cut off. It used to
look tuff. You and Soda had the coolest-lookin' hair in
  "I know," I said sourly. "I look lousy, but don't rub
it in."
  "Do y'all want somethin' to eat or not?"
  Johnny and I leaped up. "You'd better believe it."
  "Gee," Johnny said wistfully, "it sure will be good
to get into a car again."
"Well," Dally drawled, "I'll give you a ride for your
   Dally always did like to drive fast, as if he didn't
care whether he got where he was going or not, and we
came down the red dirt road off Jay Mountain doing
eighty-five. I like fast driving and Johnny was crazy
about drag races, but we both got a little green around
the gills when Dally took a corner on two wheels with
the brakes screaming. Maybe it was because we hadn't
been in a car for so long.
  We stopped at a Dairy Queen and the first thing I
got was a Pepsi. Johnny and I gorged on barbecue
sandwiches and banana splits.
  "Glory," Dallas said, amazed, watching us gulp the
stuff down. "You don't need to make like every mouth-
ful's your last. I got plenty of money. Take it easy, I
don't want you gettin' sick on me. And I thought I was
  Johnny merely ate faster. I didn't slow down until I
got a headache.
  "I didn't tell y'all something," Dally said, finishing
his third hamburger. "The Socs and us are having
all-out warfare all over the city. That kid you killed
had plenty of friends and all over the town it's Soc
against grease. We can't walk alone at all. I started
carryin' a heater.
  "Dally!" I said, frightened. "You kill people with
  "Ya kill them with switchblades, too, don't ya, kid?"
Dally, said in a hard voice. Johnny gulped. "Don't
worry," Dally went on, "it ain't loaded. I ain't aimin'
to get picked up for murder. But it sure does help a
bluff. Tim Shepard's gang and our outfit are havin' it
out with the Socs tomorrow night at the vacant lot. We
got hold of the president of one of their social clubs
and had a war council. Yeah, Dally sighed, and I
knew he was remembering New York, just like the
good old days. If they win, things go on as usual. If we
do, they stay outa our territory but good. Two-Bit got
jumped a few days ago. Darry and me Came along in
time, but he wasn't havin' too much trouble. Two-Bit's
a good fighter. Hey, I didn't tell you we got us a spy."
  "A spy?" Johnny looked Up from his banana split.
  "That good lookin' broad I tried to pick up that
night you killed the Soc. The redhead, Cherry what's
her name."

                         CHAPTER 6.


Johnny gagged and I almost dropped my hotfudge

sundae. "Cherry?" we both said at the same time. "The


  "Yeah," Dally said "She came over to the vacant lot

the night Two-Bit was jumped. Shepard and some of

his outfit and us were hanging around there when she

drives up in her little ol' Sting Ray. That took a lot of

nerve. Some of us was for jumping her then and there,

her bein' the dead kid's girl and all, but Two-Bit

stopped us. Man, next time I want a broad I'll pick up

my own kind."

  "Yeah," Johnny said slowly, and I wondered if, like

me, he was remembering another voice, also tough and

just deepened into manhood, saying: "Next time you

want a broad, pick up your own kind."  It gave me

the creeps.

  Dally was going on: "She said she felt that the whole

mess was her fault, which it is, and that she'd keep up

with what was comin' off with the Socs in the rumble

and would testify that the Socs were drunk and looking

for a fight and that you fought back in self-defense."

He gave a grim laugh. "That little gal sure does hate

me. I offered to take her over to The Dingo for a Coke

and she said  "No, thank you" and told me where I

could go in very polite terms."

  She was afraid of loving you, I thought. So Cherry

Valance, the cheerleader, Bob's girl, the Soc, was trying

to help us. No, it wasn't Cherry the Soc who was

helping us, it was Cherry the dreamer who watched

sunsets and couldn't stand fights. It was hard to believe

a Soc would help us, even a Soc that dug sunsets. Dally


didn't notice. He had forgotten about it already.

  "Man, this place is out of it. What do they do for

kicks around here, play checkers?" Dally surveyed the

scene without interest. "I ain't never been in the

country before. Have you two?"

  Johnny shook his head but I said, "Dad used to take

us all huntin'. I've been in the country before. How'd

you know about the church?"

  "I got a cousin that lives around here somewheres.

Tipped me off that it'd make a tuff hide-out in case of

something. Hey, Ponyboy, I heard you was the best

shot in the family."

  "Yeah," I said. "Darry always got the most ducks,

though. Him and Dad. Soda and I goofed around too

much, scared most of our game away." I couldn't tell

Dally that I hated to shoot things. He'd think I was


  "That was a good idea, I mean cuttin' your hair and

bleachin' it. They printed your descriptions in the

paper but you sure wouldn't fit them now."

  Johnny had been quietly finishing his fifth barbecue

sandwich, but now he announced: "We're goin' back

and turn ourselves in."

  It was Dally's turn to gag. Then he swore awhile.

Then he turned to Johnny and demanded: "What?"

  "I said we're goin' back and turn ourselves in,"

Johnny repeated in a quiet voice. I was surprised but

not shocked. I had thought about turning ourselves in

lots of times, but apparently the whole idea was a jolt

to Dallas.

  "I got a good chance of being' let off easy," Johnny

said desperately, and I didn't know if it was Dally he

was trying to convince or himself. "I ain't got no

record with the fuzz and it was self-defense. Ponyboy

and Cherry can testify to that. And I don't aim to stay

in that church all my life."

  That was quite a speech for Johnny. His big black

eyes grew bigger than ever at the thought of going to

the police station, for Johnny had a deathly fear of


cops, but he went on: "We won't tell that you helped

us, Dally, and we'll give you back the gun and what's

left of the money and say we hitchhiked back so you

won't get into trouble. Okay?"

  Dally was chewing the corner of his I D card, which

gave his age as twenty-one so he could buy liquor. "You

sure you want to go back? Us greasers get it worse than

anyone else.

  Johnny nodded. "I'm sure. It ain't fair for Ponyboy

to have to stay up in that church with Darry and Soda

worryin' about him all the time. I don't guess.

he swallowed and tried not to look eager. "I don't

guess my parents are worried about me or anything?"

  "The boys are worried," Dally said in a matter-of-fact

voice. "Two-Bit was for going to Texas to hunt for


  "My parents," Johnny repeated doggedly, "did they

ask about me?"

  "No," snapped Dally, "they didn't. Blast it, Johnny,

what do they matter? Shoot, my old man don't give a

hang whether I'm in jail or dead in a car wreck or

drunk in the gutter. That don't bother me none."

  Johnny didn't say anything. But he stared at the

dashboard with such hurt bewilderment that I could

have bawled.

  Dally cussed under his breath and nearly tore out

the transmission of the T bird as we roared out of the

Dairy Queen. I felt sorry for Dally. He meant it when

he said he didn't care about his parents. But he and

the rest of the gang knew Johnny cared and did

everything they could to make it up to him. I don't

know what it was about Johnny-maybe that lost-

puppy look and those big scared eyes were what made

everyone his big brother. But they couldn't, no matter

how hard they tried, take the place of his parents. I

thought about it for a minute. Darry and Sodapop

were my brothers and I loved both of them, even if

Darry did scare me; but not even Soda could take

Mom and Dad's place. And they were my real brothers,


not just sort of adopted ones. No wonder Johnny was


hurt because his parents didn't want him. Dally could

take it-Dally was of the breed that could take any-

thing, because he was hard and tough, and when he

wasn't; he could turn hard and tough. Johnny was a

good fighter and could play it cool, but he was sensi-

tive and that isn't a good way to be when you're a


  "Blast it, Johnny," Dally growled as we flew along

the red road, "why didn't you think of turning yourself

in five days ago? It would have saved a lot of trouble."

  "I was scared," Johnny said with conviction. "I still

am." He ran his finger down one of his short black

sideburns. "I guess we ruined our hair for nothing,


  "I guess so." I was glad we were going back. I was

sick of that church. I didn't care if I was bald.

  Dally was scowling, and from long and painful

experience I knew better than to talk to him when his

eyes were blazing like that. I'd likely as not get clob-

bered over the head. That had happened before, just as

it had happened to all the gang at one time or another.

We rarely fought among ourselves-Darry was the

unofficial leader, since he kept his head best, Soda and

Steve had been best friends since grade school and

never fought, and Two-Bit was just too lazy to argue

with anyone. Johnny kept his mouth shut too much to

get into arguments, and nobody ever fought with

Johnny. I kept my mouth shut, too. But Dally was a

different matter. If something beefed him, he didn't

keep quiet about it, and if you rubbed him the wrong

way-look out. Not even Darry wanted to tangle with

him. He was dangerous.

  Johnny just sat there and stared at his feet. He hated

for any one of us to be mad at him. He looked awful

sad. Dally glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. I

looked out the window.

  "Johnny," Dally said in a pleading, high voice, using

a tone I had never heard from him before, "Johnny, I


ain't mad at you. I just don't want you to get hurt. You

don't know what a few months in jail can do to you.

Oh, blast it, Johnny" he pushed his white-blond hair

back out of his eyes "you get hardened in jail. I don't

want that to happen to you. Like it happened to


  I kept staring out the window at the rapidly passing

scenery, but I felt my eyes getting round. Dally never

talked like that. Never. Dally didn't give a Yankee

dime about anyone but himself, and he was cold and

hard and mean. He never talked about his past or

being in jail that way, if he talked about it at all, it

Was to brag. And I suddenly thought of Dally, in

jail at the age of ten. Dally growing up in the


  "Would you rather have me living in hide-outs for

the rest of my life, always on the run?" Johnny asked


  If Dally had said yes, Johnny would have gone back

to the church without hesitation. He figured Dally

knew more than he did, and Dally's word was law. But

he never heard Dally's answer, for we had reached the

top of Jay Mountain and Dally suddenly slammed on

the brakes and stared. "Oh, glory!" he whispered. The

church was on fire!

  "Let's go see what the deal is," I said, hopping out.

  "What for?" Dally sounded irritated. "Get back in

here before I beat your head in."

  I knew Dally would have to park the car and catch

me before he could carry out his threat, and Johnny

was already out and following me, so I figured I was

safe. We could hear him cussing us out, but he wasn't

mad enough to come after us. There was a crowd at

the front of the church, mostly little kids, and I

wondered how they'd gotten there so quickly.