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1. New York 7. San Antonio 13. Indianapolis 19. Boston 25. Milwaukee 31. Miami
2. Los Angeles 8. Dallas 14. San Francisco 20. Seattle 26. Cincinnati 32. Cleveland
3. Chicago 9. San Diego 15. Columbus 21. Denver 27. Las Vegas 33. Minneapolis
4. Houston 10. Louisville 16. Charlotte 22. Baltimore 28. Albuquerque 34. Pittsburgh
5. Philadelphia 11. Jacksonville 17. Detroit 23. Portland 29. Kansas City 35. New Orleans
6. Phoenix 12. Des Moines 18. Memphis 24. Oklahoma City 30. Atlanta 36. Montgomery

Title of the Current Event

Body of the Assignment (THREE paragraphs)

-empty space-

-empty space-

Author the Article

Title of the Article

Section of the Newspaper or Internet Site

Publication Date


Date Accessed

Student Name

Current Events Rubric

Point Value Categories

5 points

3 points

2 point

0 points



The source is cited correctly at the bottom of the article.


The source is incorrectly cited.

The source is not cited.


Paragraph Summary of the Article

A summary paragraph of the article containing at least seven sentences with at least seven words per sentence is present. 

A summary paragraph of the article is present, but the sentences within the paragraph don’t total more than six and the sentences don’t all contain at least six words.

A summary paragraph of the article is present, but the sentences within the paragraph don’t total more than five and the sentences don’t all contain at least five words.

An insufficient paragraph is written that doesn’t reach the requirements previously stated.


Paragraph Summary of the Article

A summary paragraph of the article containing at least seven sentences with at least seven words per sentence is present. 

A summary paragraph of the article is present, but the sentences within the paragraph don’t total more than six and the sentences don’t all contain at least six words.

A summary paragraph of the article is present, but the sentences within the paragraph don’t total more than five and the sentences don’t all contain at least five words.

An insufficient paragraph is written that doesn’t reach the requirements previously stated.


Paragraph Summary of how the article content affects the student.

A summary of how the article affects the student contains at least three reasons, seven sentences, and at least seven words per sentence is written.

A summary of how the article affects the student contains at least two reasons, six sentences, and at least six words per sentence is written.

A summary of how the article affects the student contains at one reason, five sentences, and at least five words per sentence is written.

An insufficient paragraph is written that doesn’t reach the requirements previously stated.










Total Points







out of 20